How to Optimize Your Website for Speed: Essential Web Development Tips
In the modern context the concept of site speed is not an option but rather a significant element of the website production. Readers Demand Web Page Loading Speed and if delayed this lead to high bounce rate and can lower the page rank. When you speed up your site, not only does it work together well with your user interface but it also helps your site rank well on to the organic searches hence increasing on the traffic as well as conversions. In this article, the reader will find basic tips for web development to run your site at the highest speed. 1. Optimize Image Sizes and Formats Another unavoidable issue that causes decreased website response speed is the absence of image optimization. The use of high resolution images cause the page to be bulky and hence consume a lot of bandwidth so that it takes time to load. To make images as small as possible you can always resize images with less quality loss. Some of the tools used are; PNG compressor,, tiny PNG, image optimi...